viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

Don't complain. Make an action.

I was told today by someone: "I am not a christian because I have seen so much hypocrisy in the church." I replied: That is not an excuse, Jesus himself would have said: I am not coming to that world because all people are stubborn  and I know they will crucify me. Why don't you want to show us what is it to be a true Christian? Maybe the rest of us don't know the secret and you do... Why don't you make the difference?".

When I was a college, a classmate was saying that if God really would love the world, many people in the African Continent would not be starving. My response to that guy was: "Haven't you thought that you can be actually the person that God needs in those country by serving them in different areas like medical, financially and spiritually?" For sure, we have money here to spend in nonsense, stuffs we don't really need, thing that don't last forever, but we don't want to give a coin to help people. So don't complain. Act. Show through your actions that God exist. That is the reason why you were created.

Again, I say, You must be that difference. Stand out from the crowd and let the world know why God exist and for what. :-)

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Escribo en general de todo lo que pueda informar a otros, no me concentro en un tema específico, sin embargo, mi mayor interés es la poesía libre.
Algunos temas que he escrito han surgido a traves del diario encuentro con la realidad, todo lo que se recibe por la radio, TV o periódico, o con las conversaciones diarias que tengo con mis amigos y familia. Expreso mi libre pensamiento así como todos son bienvenidos a dejar sus opiniones. Nótese que aquel comentario que contenga expresiones incultas será eliminado. Soy partidaria de conservar el respeto mutuo sin importar el país, la raza, cultura o religión. Benito Juarez dijo que "El derecho ajeno es la paz".

Una vez más, muchas gracias por tu apoyo.

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Un abrazo fraterno desde el lugar de mi peregrinaje, deseando que la luz del Ser Supremo ilumine siempre tu camino.

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