A new baby in the family... new shining life! How marvelous is to see this innocent and sweet baby in our arms! How many days we were just counting the hours when you will be here and finally, we'd hold you in our arms. Tell me? Did you see God before to come and live here with us? Did your angel told you that we were just waiting for you like excited kids? I would like to tell you how your daddy and mammy were all the time saying: "Today is the day!"... and your sweet big brother saying: "I'll have a baby sister!"
Perhaps you were smiling yourself hearing us saying all that! But now you are here and we love you.
I will call you forever "The Girl of the Life's Miracle", why? some days ago a bird put her nest just in the fence in front of your house... Did the bird know that in this house there was coming a new life? Is the bird a messenger of heaven? I am sure the bird knew... that is why your home was chosen as a safe shelter for her and her birds; because here reigns love, happiness and peace.
And here is what I consider a "blessing from heaven": The same day you were born... one little bird came out of its shell... Are you a songbird? Both of you represent the pure innocence needed of care and love. Morgan, you are a person who has the blessing of being part of a family who will give you that love, guidance and support forever, and I am sure that someday you will raise your wings and fly but to show everyone that you are a miracle girl. And the three little birds will need also our care because they represent all the nature and how it is needing our love and support. I love you Morgan Sarah. You are another cute sister for me!